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Mined- Québec, Canada | Crafted- Arizona, USA
Sunstone radiates with passion, creativity and determination. This gem links the solar plexus and sacral chakras to stabilise ones power, bringing about a more controlled and focused energy. By creating this connection sunstone allows its user to focus their energy and power in a more efficient manner. This gem reignites the fire and drive needed to pursue desires and dreams, transforming doubts into drive and hesitation into action.
Sunstone is an oligoclase feldspar, with a Mohs hardness of 6-7. This gem is pretty hardy, however due to its composition there are a few tips for its care. Most feldspar varieties can be a little water sensitive, so while a quick dip should do no damage, prolonged or repeated water exposure has the potential to cause some damage.
This piece weighs in at 63.7g, is 68mm tall, 27mm wide and 21mm thick.